2012 RNC – premeir Boehner’s tele-boner

First up in evidence: a vote.

We’ll look first at the evening news portrayal of the vote. Then we’ll look at it from several angles. Here is what we will learn:

  • The voice vote was clearly too close to call
  • Herr Boehner declared it passed on a voice vote anyway
  • Herr Boehner ignored properly made calls for division

But wait! There’s more!

  • We will look at the teleprompter Boehner was reading from – which clearly shows that the result of the vote was preordained.

That’s right – Boehner declared that they ayes have it merely because he was reading the word on the teleprompter. The vote was determined to pass before the vote was even taken!

Let that sink in a minute.

The results were fait accompli. The floor vote would pass because the cabal had previously declared that it would. There will be no real vote taken. Only the appearance of a deliberative process for the benefit of the corporate news media.

The topic of the vote is pretty interesting as well, but that will be a story for another day.

What? You don’t believe me? Who are you going to believe? You or your own lying eyes?

Ponder that for a bit – I’ll be by in a while with the next article of evidence.