Welcome to SE Longmont GOP!

Hello and welcome -

This website has been created in order to coordinate the activities of the Republican party, in the general area of southeast Longmont, Colorado.

Please think of this as a resource for any advocacy or campaign activities with which you would like to engage. Indeed, please think of this as your website. While it is initiated by the District Captain team for SE Longmont, the intent is that all Precinct Committeepersons (PCPs) will also feel free to use, edit, and publish material to and from this site, as well as share this material with all likely voters in the SE Longmont district.

This website is built upon WordPress, which is probably the leading blogging platform currently in existence. WordPress makes it easy for registered users to add and modify information on the website. As time goes by, we will add information on exactly how one goes about creating a new page or new post. In the meantime, any questions can be sent to dc@SELongmontGOP.org.