Monthly Archives: August 2011

Republican Presidential Debate in Ames IA

Wow – it’s been an interesting couple of days.

The third Republican debate was held at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, sponsored by the Iowa Republican Party, Fox News, and the Washington Examiner.

Candidates participating in the debate included Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney , Jon Huntsman Jr. and Rick Santorum. Criteria for inclusion in the debate did not allow several other candidates, or potential candidates, to participate in the debate, including Buddy Roemer, Gary Johnson, Thaddeus McCotter and Fred Karger, who did not meet the polling criterion of at least 1% in 5 national polls.

The debate was broadcast live for two hours on Fox News and It was moderated by Bret Baier with questions from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace and the Washington Examiner’s Byron York and Susan Ferrechio.

This debate immediately preceded the Iowa straw poll, which while being nonbinding, is a recognized bellweather of support. Surprise wins or losses in this poll can accelerate or doom a candidate’s prospects.

Shortly before the debate, perhaps in an attempt to steal someone’s thunder, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy, although he was not at the debate.

In the subsequent straw poll, Michelle Bachmann barely edged out Ron Paul for first place, with 28.6% and 27.7% of the vote respectively. Third place finisher Tim Pawlenty did not muster even half of either figure, at 13.6%. Mitt Romney, whom the media keeps telling us is the ‘front runner’ mustered a mere 3.4% – below that of write in candidate Rick Perry. It should be observed, however, that Romney announced some time back that he would ‘skip’ the Iowa straw poll. See the full results below.

Third place finisher Tim Pawlenty dropped his campaign for the nomination the day after the poll.

Iowa Straw Poll Results

Place Candidate Votes Percentage
1 Michele Bachmann 4,823 28.6%
2 Ron Paul 4,671 27.7%
3 Tim Pawlenty 2,293 13.6%
4 Rick Santorum 1,657 9.8%
5 Herman Cain 1,456 8.6%
6 Rick Perry (write-in) 718 4.3%
7 Mitt Romney 567 3.4%
8 Newt Gingrich 385 2.3%
9 Jon Huntsman 69 0.4%
10 Thaddeus McCotter 35 0.2%
Scattering 162 1.0%
Total 16,892 100%
The debate can be viewed in its entirety below: